Sunday, May 2, 2010


The massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is both the tragic and visible symbol of conservatism's policies. Conservatism, as a political philosophy, is one big massive lake of toxic sludge.

Almost all the major dysfunctions we see now are the result of conservative policies. The financial meltdown that almost led to a second Great Depression was a result of the deregulation we saw during the Bush administration. The continual shafting we got from credit card companies, who could shaft us with impunity, was a result of the whole laissez-faire conservative philosophy.

The lack of care of the environment is right out of the conservative playbook. The free market is supposed to cure all ills. It doesn't happen, has never happened, and never will happen.

The people who talk big about the Constitution and "big government" are the first to intrude into our personal lives and stomp all over the Bill of Rights. We see an egregious example of that in Arizona with a draconian law that essentially legalizes racial profiling. The states of Nebraska and Oklahoma are doing their best to intrude into personal reproductive decisions.

Just like the Gulf of Mexico, our system needs a massive cleanup and that begins with recognizing conservatism for what it is.