Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Carly Fiorina, who touts herself as an example of the Horatio Alger rags-to-riches story, appears to be the Republican candidate for the Senate this fall. She will run against incumbent Barbara Boxer.

Fiorina, like Meg Whitman and Steve Poizner, the GOP candidates for governor, has run some truly noxious ads.

In one ad someone moans that "free enterprise is almost gone." Really? You mean the kind of free enterprise that gave us the economic meltdown and now the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico? I can't wait for that kind of free enterprise to be gone.

Fiorina makes the claim that government doesn't create jobs. Jobs come from the private sector, we're told. That's the same private sector that has wrecked the economy over the past several years. If anything, it was lack of government regulation that led to this debacle.

Fiorina has a new ad mocking Barbara Boxer for suggesting that climate change is a national security issue. Terrorists kill, Frau Fiorina tells us, and Barbara Boxer is "talking about the weather." Fiorina ignores even studies by the Pentagon that suggest global climate change will result in massive security issues as people flee from droughts or floods to seek sanctuary elsewhere. She ignores the fact that droughts and floods and tornadoes and hurricanes spawned by climate change will kill far more people than any terrorist.

Fiorina is just another disgusting reactionary spouting the same old tripe we get from right-wing Republicans and one can only hope she gets trounced in the general election.