Sunday, June 10, 2012


Right-wingers are celebrating the unsuccessful recall election of Wisconsin Governor  Scott Walker.  It's supposed to be the  death knell for unions and a harbinger of the election in November when they hope to get corporate raider Mitt Romney into the White House to orchestrate more attacks against working people.

One letter writer to The Fresno Bee used the old cliche about union "thugs" and how they had been defeated in this election. Any alleged thuggery by unions pales in comparison to the thuggery of the 1% and their concerted attempt to reduce working people to peons.  Walker was funded largely by the billionaire Koch brothers, who exemplify the greed and selfishness of the 1%.  They don't want working people to have even crumbs, much less benefits and decent salaries.

I hope the Occupy Wall Street movement is more representative of the American people than the bought and paid for Governor Scott Walker.