Saturday, October 27, 2012


As we approach election day,  polls show President Obama and Willard Romney neck and neck.  It almost defies belief that Romney could be within a hairsbreadth of moving into the White House.

Romney has set a record for lies in this campaign and apparently it doesn't really matter to the media or to people who have decided they hate President Obama for whatever reason.  How do you know where Romney really stands on any issue because he flip-flops consistently?

I would suggest one way to gauge where Romney stands is the pattern he has shown in his contempt for working class people and an adoration for the rich.  He stated that people whose homes are in foreclosure should essentially lose their homes.  He said he likes firing people.  He opposed the bailout of the automobile companies and said they should be allowed to go bankrupt.  He told a group of his fat cat supporters at a fund raiser that 47% of us are moochers who depend on the government.  He selected Paul Ryan, whose onerous budget would punish working class and poor people, as his running mate.

So, although Mr. Weather Vane has shifted positions more often than a chameleon changes colors, he has been consistent in his absolute disdain for working people and the poor.  If he and Ryan are successful in getting into the White House, I suspect there will be a vast population for him to disdain because his policies will almost certainly create misery and even more poverty.