Wednesday, December 5, 2012


According to several recent stories, the Republican Party in California is moribund.  California was once known for leading the nation and I hope this is a case where the nation follows California's lead.

We have all the strutting and posturing now over the so-called "fiscal cliff."  Republicans are just horrified at the idea of their rich friends paying a little more in taxes.  They want to slash everything that benefits working class and middle class people.  The whole fiscal cliff thing is just a Trojan Horse to give them  the excuse to destroy programs they've always wanted to destroy.  We should remind them of who won the election and how this is the just the first shot across the political bow.  It's time for the Republican Party to go into the dustbin of history.

We even had Senate Republicans ignoring former presidential candidate Bob Dole, who is now wheelchair bound, and voting against a treaty that protects disabled people.  I don't know if in the history of mankind if there has been a greater assembly of contemptible people than this crowd.