Thursday, April 8, 2010


When GOP pundits like Limbaugh, Hannity, and Beck talk and when GOP politicians talk about such issues as job losses, character assassination, and creating large budget deficits they speak from personal experience. They have been so adept at all of those things. No one is better at destroying jobs and making life more miserable for most Americans than Republicans. No one can smear quite the way Republicans can. And Reagan and the two Bushes were champions at creating budget deficits. This is a commentary by Tiny Dupuy at

When Republicans warn that a policy is a job-killer – Americans should listen. If any group of lawmakers and thinkers know about killing jobs it’s the Grand Old Party. In 2008, the final year of the Bush Administration, after two terms of careless deregulation implemented with bastardized pseudo-free market battle cries, the economy lost 2.6 million jobs. An annual job loss not equaled since 1945. When it comes to job extermination the GOP’s display case has a full assortment of trophies. So, of course Republicans are now the best authority on how not to kill jobs. Basically, don’t do what they did.