Thursday, November 29, 2012


I saw that defeated Republican presidential candidate Willard Romney was having lunch at the White House with President Obama.

I was thinking it would be appropriate for Willard, who has consistently shown his disdain for working class and poor people, to have the kind of menu poor people face.  Maybe a serving of Ramen noodles, or a can of Campbell's soup, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, or perhaps some nice Spam.

Saturday, November 10, 2012


There have been some amazing letters to The Fresno Bee since President Obama was re-elected.  It takes the phrase "sour grapes" to a whole new level.

According to the right-wing pundits writing The Bee, President Obama won the election because he's some sort of Santa Claus or maybe a Robin Hood who takes from the rich to give to us moochers in the bottom 47%.  One commentator said something about taking from the "makers" to give to the "takers."  It's an outrageous lie.  

What did Willard Romney ever create except for misery?  I remember the movie "Wall Street" when the character of Gordon Gekko is talking about how he doesn't create anything.  He manipulates the system to make massive amounts of money, no matter the consequences to thousands of workers, and Gordon Gekko and Willard Romney are pretty much interchangeable. 

 The same goes for many of the top 1%, who are only too happy to make money from exploiting their workers with low pay and lousy benefits, if any benefits at all, and then have the absolute gall to look down their noses at working people.  Marie Antoinette had nothing on these people.

Friday, November 2, 2012


We're almost on the eve of the 2012 election and it has been a fascinating process watching Willard Romney and the Republican party sink to new lows.

Romney is the most unabashed liar I can remember in presidential politics.  The problem is that it seems to work.  In polls Romney gets high marks for "leadership."  We used to frown on lying and now it's not a big deal.  We also have Republicans who are campaigning for other offices essentially saying that rape is no big deal.  It's part of their God's plan.

According to the calendar, we are in the 21st century, but Republicans want to roll back the clock to an earlier era when workers had no rights, women should be barefoot and pregnant and keep their mouths shut, minorities should "know their place," and the United States can bully the rest of the world into submission.

Abraham Lincoln used the phrase "the better angels of our nature" and I hope those better angels prevail.