Saturday, November 10, 2012


There have been some amazing letters to The Fresno Bee since President Obama was re-elected.  It takes the phrase "sour grapes" to a whole new level.

According to the right-wing pundits writing The Bee, President Obama won the election because he's some sort of Santa Claus or maybe a Robin Hood who takes from the rich to give to us moochers in the bottom 47%.  One commentator said something about taking from the "makers" to give to the "takers."  It's an outrageous lie.  

What did Willard Romney ever create except for misery?  I remember the movie "Wall Street" when the character of Gordon Gekko is talking about how he doesn't create anything.  He manipulates the system to make massive amounts of money, no matter the consequences to thousands of workers, and Gordon Gekko and Willard Romney are pretty much interchangeable. 

 The same goes for many of the top 1%, who are only too happy to make money from exploiting their workers with low pay and lousy benefits, if any benefits at all, and then have the absolute gall to look down their noses at working people.  Marie Antoinette had nothing on these people.