Thursday, August 30, 2012

No Honor Among Thieves


I think all politicians lie.  That has been true historically and continues into present times.  Lies in the past usually contained grandiose promises about what the politician, if given power, would do for the little guy.  It was the "chicken in every pot" type of lie.

Governments also lie.  An argument can sometimes be made that lies are sometimes justified.  For example, if it's an issue of national security and telling the truth would jeopardize national security, then a lie has some moral basis.

But now we have the team of Romney-Ryan who take lying and falsehood to an unprecedented level.  Willard Romney shamelessly lies and his new sidekick Paul Ryan seems disposed to follow Willard's example.  The Republican Party has reached lower and lower on the morality scale.  At one time there were Republicans who actually condemned the unconstitutional and illegal acts of President Richard Nixon. Today's Republicans probably don't think Nixon went far enough in his illegality because hanging on to power to all that matters.

The one thing you can say about Willard Romney is that he will never be accused, as FDR was, as being a "traitor to his class."  Willard is unabashed in his devotion to the top 1% and the  policies that have created a chasm of inequality in the United States.   He has no love for the planet because addressing global warming harms the lifestyles and profits of the people at the top.  He doesn't care about ending wars because wars are good business too.