Tuesday, August 21, 2012


The Internet is ablaze with stories about the Republican candidate Todd Akin, who is running for the Senate in Missouri.  Akin made the totally obscene and ridiculous assertion that women do not get pregnant from "legitimate rape."  I don't know what the distinction is between legitimate rape and illegitimate rape, but rape is a despicable crime no matter what guise it appears in:  violent, date, statutory, incest.  The God Mr. Akin worships evidently approves of rape because people like him always like to talk about the "sanctity of life" and "God's will."

The Republican clown car just keeps 'a coming.  The horns are blaring and the red noses are aglow and the lights are flashing and the car is careening around on two wheels.  I have never liked Republicans, but they are finding ways to take dislike to absolute hatred.  They are doing everything in their power to give everything to the wealthy white elites, to destroy even an already weak social services system, to suppress votes, to give polluters carte blanche to destroy the environment, to demonize gay and transgender people, and destroy constitutional provisions against an alliance of government and religion.  The clown car might be funny, but the implications are horrifying.  We don't need to fight the Taliban in Afghanistan because we already have our own version here at home.