Monday, August 1, 2011


The Fresno Bee may have the most right wing letters page of any major newspaper in the country. I can't say that absolutely without taking a survey, but every venture into the Bee's letters page is a trip through the right wing sewer.

It's not enough to have the usual ignorance, greed, stupidity, racism, jingoism, and hate that characterizes right-wingers in actual letters, but you get "treated" to more right wing commentary in the comments section they have in response to other letters.

Any letter that attacks the gross inequality in this country is "class warfare." There are frequent comments that suggest that anyone who is poor is there because of "bad life decisions" or some other such drivel. A frequent suggestion is that taxes of any kind are "theft." Never mind that taxes have been necessary to maintain any civilized society in all of human history. There are attacks on immigrants because right-wingers must always make themselves look morally superior and bashing the "other" is necessary to prop up their fragile egos.