Thursday, August 4, 2011


The stock market plummeted over 500 points today. I don't have any stock, but it's interesting that the sacrosanct markets are reacting to the lousy economy created by Republicans.

The Tea Party yahoos didn't learn anything from history. They froth at the mouth about deficits and falsely call any government spending "socialism" or some other such drivel. They even try to revise history to claim that FDR's New Deal didn't get us out of the Great Depression created by that other great Republican president, Herbert Hoover, and the Republican economic policies of the 1920's.

So people whose 401K's are taking hits can thank the Republicans and their Tea Party allies. People who will see all kinds of services slashed at the local and state levels can thank the Republicans and the Tea Party too. This is real "trickle down," the trickle down of misery that is created by the politics of greed and short-sighted ideological zealotry. So, thanks a lot, Republicans.