Friday, October 25, 2013


FDR asked for a Declaration of War against Japan after the attack on Pearl Harbor.  Congress agreed.  Then we were also at war against the other Axis powers, the Germans and Italians.

It must have been a difficult time for right-wingers.  They hated "that man" in the White House.  But the country had been attacked and there was no question we had to fight a war.  Of course, down through the years there have been several rather stupid conspiracy theories that FDR somehow allowed the attack to occur. I think it's ludicrous.  An attack by the Japanese would, in and of  itself, constitute a case for war.  We didn't have to let the Pacific fleet be disabled and leave the West Coast open for possible invasion to justify a war against Japan.  If it was a conspiracy, it has to be one of the strangest in history.

Right-wingers may not have been thrilled that the Soviet Union was a U. S. ally.  But we probably wouldn't have won the war without the pressure the Soviets put on Germany.  The war against the Soviet Union took manpower and resources that Hitler couldn't devote to other theaters of the war.  The Russians suffered immensely in World War II and took horrific losses.

FDR died mere weeks before the war ended and Harry Truman became president.

More to come