Wednesday, October 2, 2013


The modern Republican party doesn't believe in governing.  It believes in obstruction, lying, smearing, demonizing its opponents, distorting history and the Constitution, and outright hypocrisy.

We now have the spectacle of a government shutdown because the Republicans don't like the health care law that was passed by a previous Congress. Never mind that the new health care law is modeled on a law one of their own, Mitt Romney, implemented while he was governor of Massachusetts.  Never mind that millions of Americans have done without health insurance.  Never mind that other industrialized nations have left the United States in the dust when it comes to providing for the basic needs of their citizens.  About the only area where the United States is Number One now is the size and scope of its military.

I think we need to fire up the proverbial rail and run Republicans out of power wherever and whenever they present themselves.  They are clearly not interested in serving the needs of the American people except for their rich friends and corporate backers.