Tuesday, October 22, 2013


We've all probably seen those iconic photos from the 1930's showing unemployed people lined up at soup kitchens.  We've heard about the Dust Bowl or read great novels like The Grapes of Wrath.

I'm glad that Franklin D. Roosevelt was willing to take on the job of being president and take on the monumental problems he faced.  Not everything the New Deal tried worked, but many programs did.  Thanks to FDR, we have Social Security.  Right-wingers would like to destroy Social Security and let their fat cat friends on Wall Street have access to the money.  If your investments go bad, then too bad.  No pension for you, pal.

Even as the world endured the Great Depression, what Herman Wouk termed "the winds of war" were blowing.  The world got a preview in the Spanish Civil War.  The fascists waged war against the Republic of Spain.  The fascists were backed by Nazi Germany and the Republican forces were backed by the Soviet Union.

Right-wingers in the United States were isolationists.  They didn't want involvement in what they termed a European war.  FDR saw the danger and tried to provide aid to our allies the best way he could.  The attack on  Pearl Harbor by the Japanese made U. S. involvement in the war inevitable.

More to come