Thursday, December 19, 2013


I watch a lot of old TV shows from the 50's and 60's.  In shows like Leave It to Beaver the family is happy and middle class.  The mother is a stay at home mother, the dad wears a nice suit, they have a nice two story home and a late model car, and life goes pretty smoothly.

We know that Leave It to Beaver wasn't real life.  It didn't show racial segregation or poverty or the mind-numbing existence of working in an office or factory.  But what is sad is that the working life has gotten worse since the Leave It to Beaver days.

Treaties like NAFTA were supposed to be the greatest thing since sliced bread.  It was an achievement for all those people who pound their chests and yodel in praise of the free market.  But the free market exacts an awful price on working people.  It is capital seeking the cheapest labor and the cheapest resources to make the maximum profit for corporations and the very rich.

It means salaries and wages have eroded.  It means worker rights have decreased.  It means security has become just a memory.  It means being a cog in the great free market machine, ready to be discarded in a moment.

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Wednesday, December 18, 2013


Netflix is going to release a movie called "Mitt" next month about the ultimately futile presidential campaign of Mitt Romney.

I have been fascinated for a long time by behind the scenes looks at politics.  The Making of the President 1960 by Theodore H. White created a life-long interest in politics.  Even novels that are well done are fascinating.  You think of Allen Drury's Advise and Consent, for example.

You wish that all political coverage was about the real people behind the scenes, not the slick and contrived commercials that run incessantly every campaign season.  Most campaign ads are about attack, attack, and attack.  They also frequently distort the truth, or make issues out of non-issues.  The biggest and most successful non-issue campaign I remember was George H. W. Bush running against Michael Dukakis with ads about criminal Willie Horton.

I'm glad Mitt Romney didn't win.  I think things would be even worse for the majority of us had he won and put his policies in place.  But I would be interested in seeing Romney behind the scenes.

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Tuesday, December 17, 2013


It seems every day I read about another shooting.  Some person is aggrieved about something, they grab their gun, and they start shooting.  It doesn't even matter who they shoot.  Innocent bystanders are just a part of the fun.

I thought after the massacre at Sandy Hook there might be some thoughtful consideration about gun control.  But things haven't changed and I don't think they will in the foreseeable future.  We just reached the 50th anniversary of the assassination of President Kennedy, which should have brought the full focus of gun violence to our attention.  But nothing changes.  It reminds me of the scripture from Ecclesiastes that says everything is futile and a striving after wind.

But I guess if you look at history it seems there have always been insurmountable obstacles to progress.  It takes determination and unwavering commitment to achieve progress.  President Kennedy once said, "Let us begin."

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Sunday, December 15, 2013


I just saw a headline that right-wing loudmouth Rush Limbaugh pines for the old Robber Baron days.  It's not surprising, but still pretty appalling.

Rush has it pretty good.  He's a multi-millionaire.  He has been successful in making hate and bigotry highly profitable.  Rush is set for life.  If he believes in an afterlife, he might be worried about the fate of his immortal soul.

Would most of us really want to return to the Robber Baron days?  Right-wing extremists consider it a golden age because there was minimal government regulation, no federal income tax, new technologies were being developed, and there were lots of new resources to exploit for profit.

There was no social safety net.  If you lost your job, you were facing immediate poverty.  You probably worked sixty hour weeks in environments where you could use lose a hand, an arm, or your life because there were so safety regulations to protect you.  If you weren't lucky enough to accrue wealth in your working life--and you were lucky enough to live to old age--there was no Social Security.  The only security you had was private charities or the goodwill of friends or family.

If you had any money in the bank and the bank went bust, so did your money.  There was no insurance to protect you.

If you believe Social Darwinism is a wonderful system, then you probably agree with Limbaugh.  But if you have any degree or sanity or humanity, you don't agree.  It's as simple as that.

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Tuesday, December 10, 2013


One of the most annoying and most persistent claims by right-wingers  is that the United States is a "Christian country."  They don't just mean it in in the sense that lots of people affiliate themselves with Christianity.  They believe the government should be run based on their interpretation of the Bible.

I don't know how many times I've seen letters to the editor claiming that the Founding Fathers were Christians and the United States was founded on Judeo-Christian principles.  It doesn't take much investigation to see the absurdity of that claim.  The Founding Fathers made occasional references to God or the Creator, but they were by no means Christians that would fit the definition of today's theocrats.

Thomas Jefferson was so skeptical of the miracles in the New Testament that Jefferson edited the Bible to create his own version of the New Testament.  In the Jefferson version Jesus Christ was a great teacher and leader, but certainly wasn't raising people from the dead.  If the Bible is such a sure and authoritative guide, why are there so many interpretations and so many religions?  It's like a version of the Tower of Babel.

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Sunday, December 8, 2013


Unemployment and unemployment insurance has been much on my mind. Social safety net programs like unemployment insurance were a major progressive step.  It made working people a little less vulnerable to the boom and bust cycles of capitalism, or to the whims of employers.

It also has economic advantages for the country.  As I said before, people who get unemployment insurance are going to spend that money and circulate it throughout the economy.  They will pay mortgages or rent, pay bills, buy necessities like food, and use the money to look for another job.  Republicans act like unemployment is just a windfall for people who don't want to work.

Senator Rand Paul even made the inane statement that people will benefit from losing unemployment benefits because long-term unemployment is such a stigma now.  Stigma or not, people still have basic needs and to fulfill those needs they require money.  Maybe Senator Paul and others like him should consider measures to create jobs.  We have lots of crying needs in this society, but people like Paul are unwilling to spend any money to address those needs.  Unless you're part of their exclusive club of the very rich, you don't count.

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Saturday, December 7, 2013


We're a little over two weeks from another Christmas and Republicans are demonstrating their affinity with Dickens' character Ebeneezer Scrooge or Mr. Potter in the movie "It's a Wonderful Life."  But they are good Christians all.

I will be among those people hurt severely if emergency unemployment benefits are not extended.  I have been working, but like lots of Americans I have a job that doesn't pay enough to survive if you have things like bills, rent, and need to buy food.  I would love to be in a situation where I could survive without unemployment, but I am not.

The Republican policy of socking it to the poor and working class is not only callous and cruel, it's idiotic from an economic standpoint.  I have already reduced my spending out of necessity.  Without the help of unemployment I will have even less money to spend.  Multiply that by a factor of millions and it's a major drag on the economy.

Republicans are never shy about tax breaks or subsidies for the very rich and for corporations, but it's anathema to them to do anything for working class people.  Ultimately, it is working class people who make this country work.

If karma is a reality, then Republicans are going to face a bleak future.

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Thursday, December 5, 2013


I wonder sometimes if people who  buy into the idea of laissez-faire economics would really want to live in a world of dog-eat-dog predatory capitalism.

If we take the idea of laissez-faire to an entire societal level it means everyone for himself or herself.  You wouldn't have traffic laws.  It would be whoever was the most aggressive who got through the intersections.  You wouldn't have regulations governing food and drugs.  You would take your chances, a little like playing a lottery.  You wouldn't owe your employer anything and vice versa.  It would be a question of who could rip off whom.

Can you imagine a world where you had to pay a fee for every road you drove on?  Would you like having to pay the fire department a fee for putting out a fire that would burn down your house, or pay a police officer to investigate a crime?  In fact, in such a world would there be such a thing as crime?

It would be a world where the gangs ruled.  It would probably be your only chance of survival.  It would be a form of high tech barbarism.

More to come

Monday, December 2, 2013


One of the clips I most remember from Michael Moore's documentary "Fahrenheit 911" was of George W. Bush speaking to a crowd of plutocrats.  Bush smugly noted that he was speaking to the "haves" and "have mores."  It was a blatant admission of the people Bush and his administration represented.

Mitt Romney, during the 2012 presidential campaign, glibly claimed that 47% of the people in the United States were "takers."  According to people like Romney, it's your own fault if you're poor.  Never mind that Romney inherited most of his wealth.  That kind of sanctimony seems to be typical of the very rich in today's environment.

People who have more money than they could spend in several lifetimes have a proverbial hissy fit at the thought the minimum wage might increase to a level that could actually support someone.  They act like working for them is a privilege and any crumbs working people get are all they deserve.

Most historians would probably agree that the most prosperous period in United States history was from around 1945, when World War II ended, to about 1970.  The rising tide did lift all boats.  The rich did very well, despite all the gnashing of teeth about paying taxes or decent wages.  The very rich, who gripe constantly about "entitlements," believe they are entitled to benefit from the misery and hardship of their fellow citizens.

More to come

Sunday, December 1, 2013


I just learned of a new book by Claire Conner called Wrapped in the Flag.  Ms. Conner is the daughter of two reactionary parents who were dyed in the wool John Birch Society members.  An excerpt is available on Google Books.  Even in the brief excerpt you get an idea of the almost religious fervor these people have and how they see enemies and conspiracies everywhere.

The Republican Party has always been the vehicle for the reactionary right to promote its ideology and, worse, to attempt to pass legislation based on that ideology.  At one point the John Birch Society was too extreme for the Republican Party and the party tried to distance itself.  But in recent years we have a reincarnation of the Birch Society in the form of the Tea Party.

Members of the Tea Party, like their John Birch forebears, see conspiracies everywhere.  Now, instead of Communism, the boogeyman is radical Islam.  They accuse President Obama of being a Muslim dedicated to the subversion and overthrow of Judeo-Christian principles.  They call Obama a Marxist, a reversion to the old zealotry of anti-Communism.  They deny the existence of global warming and want to impose their idea of Christianity on everyone else.  They speak of "freedom," but don't see the contradictions in their own ideology.

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