Sunday, December 15, 2013


I just saw a headline that right-wing loudmouth Rush Limbaugh pines for the old Robber Baron days.  It's not surprising, but still pretty appalling.

Rush has it pretty good.  He's a multi-millionaire.  He has been successful in making hate and bigotry highly profitable.  Rush is set for life.  If he believes in an afterlife, he might be worried about the fate of his immortal soul.

Would most of us really want to return to the Robber Baron days?  Right-wing extremists consider it a golden age because there was minimal government regulation, no federal income tax, new technologies were being developed, and there were lots of new resources to exploit for profit.

There was no social safety net.  If you lost your job, you were facing immediate poverty.  You probably worked sixty hour weeks in environments where you could use lose a hand, an arm, or your life because there were so safety regulations to protect you.  If you weren't lucky enough to accrue wealth in your working life--and you were lucky enough to live to old age--there was no Social Security.  The only security you had was private charities or the goodwill of friends or family.

If you had any money in the bank and the bank went bust, so did your money.  There was no insurance to protect you.

If you believe Social Darwinism is a wonderful system, then you probably agree with Limbaugh.  But if you have any degree or sanity or humanity, you don't agree.  It's as simple as that.

More to come