Tuesday, December 17, 2013


It seems every day I read about another shooting.  Some person is aggrieved about something, they grab their gun, and they start shooting.  It doesn't even matter who they shoot.  Innocent bystanders are just a part of the fun.

I thought after the massacre at Sandy Hook there might be some thoughtful consideration about gun control.  But things haven't changed and I don't think they will in the foreseeable future.  We just reached the 50th anniversary of the assassination of President Kennedy, which should have brought the full focus of gun violence to our attention.  But nothing changes.  It reminds me of the scripture from Ecclesiastes that says everything is futile and a striving after wind.

But I guess if you look at history it seems there have always been insurmountable obstacles to progress.  It takes determination and unwavering commitment to achieve progress.  President Kennedy once said, "Let us begin."

More to come