Sunday, December 8, 2013


Unemployment and unemployment insurance has been much on my mind. Social safety net programs like unemployment insurance were a major progressive step.  It made working people a little less vulnerable to the boom and bust cycles of capitalism, or to the whims of employers.

It also has economic advantages for the country.  As I said before, people who get unemployment insurance are going to spend that money and circulate it throughout the economy.  They will pay mortgages or rent, pay bills, buy necessities like food, and use the money to look for another job.  Republicans act like unemployment is just a windfall for people who don't want to work.

Senator Rand Paul even made the inane statement that people will benefit from losing unemployment benefits because long-term unemployment is such a stigma now.  Stigma or not, people still have basic needs and to fulfill those needs they require money.  Maybe Senator Paul and others like him should consider measures to create jobs.  We have lots of crying needs in this society, but people like Paul are unwilling to spend any money to address those needs.  Unless you're part of their exclusive club of the very rich, you don't count.

More to come