Tuesday, December 10, 2013


One of the most annoying and most persistent claims by right-wingers  is that the United States is a "Christian country."  They don't just mean it in in the sense that lots of people affiliate themselves with Christianity.  They believe the government should be run based on their interpretation of the Bible.

I don't know how many times I've seen letters to the editor claiming that the Founding Fathers were Christians and the United States was founded on Judeo-Christian principles.  It doesn't take much investigation to see the absurdity of that claim.  The Founding Fathers made occasional references to God or the Creator, but they were by no means Christians that would fit the definition of today's theocrats.

Thomas Jefferson was so skeptical of the miracles in the New Testament that Jefferson edited the Bible to create his own version of the New Testament.  In the Jefferson version Jesus Christ was a great teacher and leader, but certainly wasn't raising people from the dead.  If the Bible is such a sure and authoritative guide, why are there so many interpretations and so many religions?  It's like a version of the Tower of Babel.

More to come