Thursday, December 5, 2013


I wonder sometimes if people who  buy into the idea of laissez-faire economics would really want to live in a world of dog-eat-dog predatory capitalism.

If we take the idea of laissez-faire to an entire societal level it means everyone for himself or herself.  You wouldn't have traffic laws.  It would be whoever was the most aggressive who got through the intersections.  You wouldn't have regulations governing food and drugs.  You would take your chances, a little like playing a lottery.  You wouldn't owe your employer anything and vice versa.  It would be a question of who could rip off whom.

Can you imagine a world where you had to pay a fee for every road you drove on?  Would you like having to pay the fire department a fee for putting out a fire that would burn down your house, or pay a police officer to investigate a crime?  In fact, in such a world would there be such a thing as crime?

It would be a world where the gangs ruled.  It would probably be your only chance of survival.  It would be a form of high tech barbarism.

More to come