Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Richard Nixon was a cocktail shaker mix of neuroses.  He probably would be a psychiatrist's dream.  He exhibited signs of paranoia and a persecution complex.  The Nixon administration's creation of an enemies list was very disturbing.

He had his interesting quirks, of course.  He reportedly liked eating ketchup with cottage cheese.  He liked to sit inside the White House with a roaring fireplace and the air conditioning turned up full blast.  He took walks along the beach wearing dress shoes.  He is shown in numerous photos with his fingers in the "V" sign.  It is said he didn't hold his liquor well and some White House aides advised people to be careful in implementing some presidential orders because the president might be drunk.

His paranoia led him to create the White House taping system that ultimately was his downfall.    He once revealed a great deal when he said, in essence, that nothing the president did was illegal.  He surrounded himself with people who shared those beliefs.

He took the totally wrong approach to the Watergate scandal and the scandal engulfed his administration.

More to come