Thursday, November 28, 2013


In the 1990's AM talk radio was dominated by extremists like loudmouth Rush Limbaugh.  Limbaugh has little positive to say.  His whole approach is to attack, attack, attack.  He attacks liberals, gay people, minorities, women, and anyone else who doesn't support the oligarchy.  The amazing thing is that many working class people have bought into Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, and other right wing blowhards.

Right wing media had a field day with the Monica Lewinsky scandal during the Clinton administration, which finally led to Clinton's impeachment and eventual acquittal in the Senate.  If they acknowledged the good economy at all,  right wingers claimed  it was  due to the benefits of Reaganomics that allegedly were just beginning to manifest themselves.

It would have seemed logical for Al Gore, Clinton's vice-president and the Democratic nominee in 2000, to win the presidency.  Gore was qualified, had no real personal scandals, and had worked for an administration that produced a good economy and avoided war.  But the right wing media was busy making scandals out of thin air again.

Gore supposedly claimed credit for inventing the Internet, for instance, while his opponent, former Texas governor George W. Bush,  was a good old boy you would want to have a beer with.

By any logical measurement, Al Gore won the election.  But we have this thing called the Electoral College.  Republicans were able to use the Electoral College and a few good buddies on the Supreme Court to steal the 2000 election.

More to come