Saturday, November 16, 2013


The United States has an unsavory history of taking territory from others or backing corrupt regimes that will support the interests of big business in the United States.

Early in our history we had slavery.  We waged constant war against the indigenous Indian tribes to take their land from them.  We had a war against Mexico and got California, Texas, and other territory.  We waged war in the Philippines to make the Philippines a colony of the United States.  We had no problem with a dictator named Batista when he ruled Cuba,  but big problems when the anti-capitalist Fidel Castro assumed power.

In the 1950's we helped the Shah of Iran when we orchestrated the overthrow of Mohammad Mosaddegh.

The United States helped overthrow a democratically elected government in Guatemala because of threats to American business interests.  In the Nixon years we helped install a vile dictator named Augusto Pinochet in Chile and overthrew the government of socialist Salvador Allende.

More to come