Monday, November 25, 2013


Lots of people tend to die under right wing administrations.  Lots of human rights abuses also occur.  On October 23, 1983, when Ronald Reagan was president 241 U. S. Marines were killed in a bombing at Beirut Airport  There is strong evidence that the bombing was in reprisal because Reagan had used the U.S. Navy to shell Lebanese villages for several months.

We know, of course, about the attacks in the United States in 2001 when George W. Bush was president.  We had the attack on the Oklahoma City Federal Building by right-wing nutcase Timothy McVeigh during Bill Clinton's administration.

The biggest scandal, among a myriad of scandals, during the Reagan years was the Iran-Contra scandal.  It was a classic case of money laundering to circumvent the law.  The United States sold arms to our avowed enemies in Iran and used the profits to divert money to the right-wing contras who were waging a guerrilla war against the Sandinista government in Nicaragua.

Representatives of Amnesty International determined that a variety of human rights abuses were committed by the contras.  The abuses included executions, mutilations, torture, and kidnappings.

More to come