Wednesday, November 27, 2013


The economy turned sour just as it always does with Republican administrations.  It has been a pattern and you would think people would notice.  We had recessions under Eisenhower.  We had recessions under Nixon and Ford.  We had a horrific recession at the beginning of the Reagan administration.  We had another recession under George H. W. Bush.

Bill Clinton ran for the presidency using the mantra "It's the economy, stupid," and Bill Clinton won the election.  If you can't cheat your way into the White House, the Republican way is to create scandals out of thin air and dominate the discussion with the alleged scandals.

With Bill Clinton it was a land deal called Whitewater.  And Clinton, who already had a reputation as a womanizer, played into the hands of his enemies by having a fling with Monica Lewinsky.  Right-wingers went after him more for alleged perjury than for the actual affair.  The party of "family values" also enlisted Ken Starr and Starr published a sleazy account of Clinton and Monica that would make many people blush.

Republicans also didn't vote for Clinton's budget.  We know that the economy prospered under Clinton, who had raised taxes on the rich, and certainly not to an astronomical level.  Clinton also kept the country out of major military involvements.

More to come