Monday, November 4, 2013


The communist-led government of Cuba was a major preoccupation in the early 1960's.  Fidel Castro and his revolutionaries overthrew dictator Fulgencio Batista in 1959.  Batista had been a right-wing ally of the United States.

Business interests inside the United States were unhappy about the appropriation of their properties in Cuba and the loss of profits in the new communist regime.  The outgoing Eisenhower administration began planning to overthrow Castro's government.

As unbelievable as it may seem, the CIA even enlisted the aid of the Mafia in their plans to oust Castro.  The Mafia  enjoyed major profits in Cuba during the Batista years and those profits were gone after Castro took power.

The idea behind the Bay of Pigs was that Cubans would be aroused by the invasion to rise up and overthrow Castro.  But it didn't happen.  President Kennedy wanted the invasion disassociated from the United States.  He was concerned the Soviet Union would retaliate by attacking West Berlin.  He received heavy criticism for not providing enough support to the invading forces and engendered considerable hatred among right-wingers in the United States.

More to come