Friday, November 15, 2013


I remember the night Richard Nixon announced his resignation.  He looked haggard, perhaps more haggard than usual, as he told the country he would leave the presidency the following day and that Gerald Ford would be sworn in as president.  Nixon saw the handwriting on the wall when he lost his case before the Supreme Court.  The Court said that Nixon had to turn over all his tapes in the Watergate matter and there was no doubt that Nixon had participated in a cover-up and suborning of perjury.

The next day Nixon gave an emotional speech before the White House staff and the country and talked about his mother.  He boarded a helicopter, gave his characteristic "V" signs, and headed for California.

Upon assuming the presidency Gerald Ford declared that, "Our long national nightmare is over."  That was fantasy, of course.  Nixon had left behind a trail of abusing the power of the presidency, creating a major distrust of the federal government, and thousands more dead in the Vietnam war that he failed to end.

More to come